Junction in a sentence as a noun

This is not a new invention - it's called a multi junction solar cell.

It's got properties that lend it to easy junction doping and easy annealing.

If a backhoe hitting a cable junction triggered an AWS failure, we wouldn't say that the cable junction is where AWS "really happens".

That is why laws requiring water sprinkler backflow valves are enforced at the junction between the city's water pipe and the customer's water pipe.

A new city, to the west of the divide, could act as a junction between a north-south HST and a connection to Sydney, providing a ready made economy.

At any legislative junction, there's a cost or benefit associated with enacting or not enacting a law.

I would argue a set of well defined junction points like Apple did with airplay in order to share content between mobile and desktop segments is a way more elegant solution.

Gasoline car fires take seconds, not minutes and there are lots of places where things can go wrong, pretty much every junction of the gas line plumbing, the tank and the injection system.

In this multi-junction solar cell, several cells made out of different III-V semiconductor materials are stacked on top of each other.

The tiny village which appears in some of the photos is the official excuse for building the gigantic road through some of Russia's most difficult terrain; officially, the road is called a "junction".

You'd make more than 88 cents through affiliate systems and commission junction and the likes that this didn't matter, and you were doing it on such a large scale that it would be quite prosperous.------------------------------------I honestly couldn't really offer you any advice on how to prevent scraping.

The terrestrial use of so-called III-V multi-junction solar cells, which originally came from space technology, has prevailed to realize highest efficiencies for the conversion of sunlight to electricity.

Junction definitions


the place where two or more things come together


the state of being joined together

See also: conjunction conjugation colligation


the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made

See also: articulation join joint juncture


something that joins or connects

See also: conjunction


an act of joining or adjoining things

See also: adjunction