Juggling in a sentence as a noun

What about juggling 6 balls on the air?

That's where the juggling algorithm comes into play.

He was the Donald Bradman of juggling, and I'm very sad we now have to say "was".

I love the dynamic nature of juggling many things at once.

I'm pretty sure "knife throwing" and "blindfold juggling" would have been suitable examples, but I don't personally possess those skills.

I'm trying to improve my juggling skills, so I hang out with some locals for a "circus jam" in one of the local parks every Sunday afternoon.

It would mean I would not be juggling little peculiarities of arcane syntax, such as which sed flags to invoke, or whether to use exec or xargs.

Ever scarier, while juggling 100 other startup tasks, you might let a bad candidate slip through the cracks, into the interview process, and then actually hire them.

Try the juggling and unicycle unicycle meetups, and spend an hour falling off a loaner unicycle in front of everybody.

Reasonable efforts includes things like cash flow juggling, taking out debts in the name of the business, or reducing the size of my distributions.

ITunes Libraries - Just a few television series subscriptions will wipe out a 256 GB disk instantly - meaning you are constantly juggling files offline.

All over his blog, all over his comments on HN, he makes himself out to be this amazing business guru, juggling 27 world-changing projects at a time, upending major industries with a stroke of his pen.

And if you think that level of cash flow juggling is fun, wait until you have employees!You should, as soon as reasonably practical, stop sourcing gigs from oDesk/elance/etc and start sourcing them from clients who pay professional wages for professional work.

From the article it sounds like Commarota finally got tired of the constant stress on his body and the difficulty of supporting and spending time with his family while professionally juggling and is now successfully transitioning to a very 'down-to-earth' career.

Juggling definitions


the act of rearranging things to give a misleading impression

See also: juggle


throwing and catching several objects simultaneously

See also: juggle