Irrevocable in a sentence as an adjective

The irrevocable term in Twitter's TOS is not passed on to random sites using the API to the best of my knowledge.

He eats meat, which has a vast footprint in terms of land, water and energy use. How minimal is a lifestyle that leads to irrevocable climate change?

Once an assignment is made it's permanent and irrevocable.

For a permanent irrevocable change to a cross-browser API?

"Once he reached the conclusion that the NSA's surveillance net would soon be irrevocable, he said it was just a matter of time before he chose to act. "What they're doing" poses "an existential threat to democracy", he said.

Unfortunately, it's the single best way to blind yourself against your own evil deeds while making it likely you'll get trapped into irrevocable courses of action.

Instead of transferring money from your account to their account, you give the other person unlimited and irrevocable access to your account, and then that person takes the money.

It's been getting more attention recently due to the work of various authors, but the vast majority of people still see compulsory schooling as an irrevocable necessity.

Still better than Android requiring ridiculous, all-or-nothing, irrevocable permissions for every application.

Irrevocable definitions


incapable of being retracted or revoked; "firm and irrevocable is my doom"- Shakespeare

See also: irrevokable