Irksome in a sentence as an adjective

Which reminds me of the more irksome side of marketing.

As a designer I find the entire face irksome.

I will be so happy when this "*-****" meme goes away, it is truly irksome.

The only solution I can think of is to resist letting irksome things irk you.

From the standpoint of the little guy trying to get his product / service heard, this kind of thing can be pretty irksome.

I apologize in advance if it's mildly irksome -- believe it or not, it is the exact opposite of a planned media blitz.

It is irksome to see the red notification for no good reason, but I do not think people really feel compelled to add random people to their circles.

That rhetorical stance you take is particularly irksome when someone is talking about giving away their own code.

It will result in a glut of disposable, troublesome, irksome devices, but there will still be a very nice market of people willing to pay more for a better device.

When people who aren't real try to come in and get the rewards-- Harvard MBA CEOs who don't even understand linear algebra setting themselves up as "data whizzes" because they were able to hire smart people-- it's irksome.

As some who tries to practice Buddhism I find their wholly superficial co-option of the word 'Zen' to be irksome, but even past that, they always seem to have the most banal, uninsightful take on whatever the self-help blogger concept of the moment is, whether everyone's agreeing this week that you should write something every day, or use a full-screen text editor, or work _less_, or get rid of all your possessions... Frankly, it's a cushy gig.

Irksome definitions


so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness; "a boring evening with uninteresting people"; "the deadening effect of some routine tasks"; "a dull play"; "his competent but dull performance"; "a ho-hum speaker who couldn't capture their attention"; "what an irksome task the writing of long letters is"- Edmund Burke; "tedious days on the train"; "the tiresome chirping of a cricket"- Mark Twain; "other people's dreams are dreadfully wearisome"

See also: boring deadening dull ho-hum slow tedious tiresome wearisome