Introductory in a sentence as an adjective

Those that don't don't take ANY theory at all until they do an introductory course that starts with "just type this in".

I knew this before he did, because I was in an introductory one on one with the instructor, to explain the rules.

It was an introductory CS course, and the assignment was to draw a scene using Python's turtle graphics module.

If you go down that path, they could also do introductory phone calls to candy manufacturers on your behalf.

This is a preview release of Crypto 101, an introductory course on cryptography.

This 16y old boy builds a sweet website good enough to reach #1 on this page just to push his goal of a year in CA and you offer an introductory " causes Chrome to lag".

* Real World Haskell -- Some great introductory conceptual materal, but assumes a huge amount of prior knowledge.

In an introductory writing class, you get maximum utility by letting anyone in.

Pardon my coarseness, but so many kids who start out their college career are little ***** who think they know everything about programming and that taking an introductory class is beneath them.

If you could standardize introductory physics courses using these, I think it could help significantly, especially when people struggle to work out the curl of a cross product or some-such strenuous vector calculation.

If you're two months into the job and you're still having "introductory meetings" with all the departments and putting together "the vision," then by the time you actually start to make any changes, it'll be that much harder because of how much your products have declined and your talent has hemorrhaged in the meantime.

Introductory definitions


serving to open or begin; "began the slide show with some introductory remarks"


serving as a base or starting point; "a basic course in Russian"; "basic training for raw recruits"; "a set of basic tools"; "an introductory art course"

See also: basic


serving as an introduction or preface

See also: prefatorial prefatory