Intersection in a sentence as a noun

A 404 would be the superset of those two, not the intersection

It's at the intersection of a lot of things that people here find interesting.

Back when I was 13 years old, I did a school project to redesign a local troublesome intersection.

The 6 cops looked around the intersection, observing people and running around looking behind walls for a minute and then sped off.

Reflections and refractions can also be done in entirely in the fragment shader for simple scenes like this one with standard raytracing intersection tests.

It is the intersection between nerd exceptionalism and the myth of the heroic entrepreneur, both of which are virulent memes in our culture right now.

For him, there is a practical intersection between math and philosophy, science and spirituality, that could be said to favor each side in a different way.

The intersection of 1+2+3+4 is small and fits exactly in the case where Redis for metadata, or as a cache, plus another datastore designed to work on disk is the right pick.

This is like running a red light, smashing into someone, and then telling them "hey, you should have looked before entering the intersection... you should know that people sometimes run red lights".Yes, you should have backups.

In the technical phone interview I was asked some esoteric questions about finding the intersection of two integer arrays, what the O-notation would be, and so forth.

All together 3 cop cars screeched into the intersection, I put my phone on silent, and like the Truman Show every pedestrian did their bit and started ambling and chatting as if nothing had happened.

People who can go "Lets 3D scan that metal bracket, then adjust the thickness of those planes and increase the gusset radius along that intersection, and add some webbing around those holes, then it'll be 'strong enough' to replace the original metal part".I look forward to that and I suspect it'll start happening in a fairly short timeframe.

Intersection definitions


a point where lines intersect


a junction where one street or road crosses another

See also: crossroad crossway crossing carrefour


a point or set of points common to two or more geometric configurations


the set of elements common to two or more sets; "the set of red hats is the intersection of the set of hats and the set of red things"

See also: product


a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena; "there was no overlap between their proposals"

See also: overlap convergence


the act of intersecting (as joining by causing your path to intersect your target's path)