Crossway in a sentence as a noun

That could probably land going crossways across that runway!

From what I understand about *******, no little crossways cut on those veins will ever **** you.

They aren't going to get involved in a line of business that appears shaky or is crossways with the political tide.

They still need to be able to understand that a toddler has stepped into the street, that a pedestrian has fallen down drunk in the crossway, that dude X thinks he ought to be able to go first or simply doesn't give a **** what the car thinks.

Of course you're the sweetest fellow ever whelped and wouldn't so much as look crossways at a frog, but did he know that?We are, after all, a species capable of some pretty astonishing levels of savagery, when we really put our minds to it.

Crossway definitions


a junction where one street or road crosses another

See also: intersection crossroad crossing carrefour