Interbreed in a sentence as a verb

I'm not sure if it has changed, but things used to be called the same species if they can interbreed with each other and produce fertile offspring.

My, layperson, understanding is that if they can interbreed and produce fertile offspring, then they are the same species.

They are declared species due to their appearance, and their natural range's prevention of interbreeding.

They can and do interbreed when introduced into each others populations, and have fertile offspring that are mixed species.

It wasn't long ago that women were diagnosed with "female hysteria" and a bit longer since it was thought that whites and blacks couldn't interbreed.

They aren't some distinct separate population that interbreed or something, geez.

The problem is that those pigs and chimps that try to interbreed and fail would be wasting time and resources and end up falling behind in fecundity to their "breed true" cousins.

However, 1000 generations after an earthquake, the species on both sides of the created ravine have diverged so much they can no longer interbreed.

Some distinct populations of plants, for example, can and frequently do interbreed with others that ought to be separate species by all other standards.

The concept of species is important in biology, because it's a strong signal as to which organisms can successfully interbreed.

You can't really blame people for abandoning sharepoint, it's really an excellent display of why you shouldn't try to interbreed all your gui applications with internetexplorer iframes.

Actually the evolutionary stuff made sense, if one assumes that mites inhabiting different animal species are themselves different species, which do not or cannot interbreed.

Interbreed definitions


breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties; "cross a horse and a donkey"; "Mendel tried crossbreeding"; "these species do not interbreed"

See also: crossbreed cross hybridize hybridise