Hybridise in a sentence as a verb

When you hybridise like that it’s up to you to highlight the benefits.

Start with 100% human labour and gradually hybridise.

At the end of the day its a choice the farmer makes: they could re use their own seeds and hybridise them, but for most its not worth the hassle.

Evidence suggests that during the warmest part of interglacial periods, they hybridise with Grizzlies and then re-speciate when the climate cools down again.

It attempts to hybridise or meld the nanomachines and nanotechnological cybernetics that are commonly present in the bodies of humans with the biological structure of their tissues at a subcellular level.

Hybridise definitions


breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties; "cross a horse and a donkey"; "Mendel tried crossbreeding"; "these species do not interbreed"

See also: crossbreed cross hybridize interbreed