Bowdlerize in a sentence as a verb

HN doesn't bowdlerize, so the first thing to do with the title is take out the stars.

I didnt want to see that playground bowdlerized.

There's no need to bowdlerize swear words on HN, but there is a need not to post things like "Are you ******* kidding me".

When it was first published in 1962, he had to bowdlerize the swear words that were copious in a novel set in the army.

And this is a somewhat bowdlerized parody anyway.

Do you think the term "political correctness" or the word "bowdlerize" is the gratuitous editorial spin?

A place to carefully calibrate, sanitize and bowdlerize our words for every possible audience, now and forever.

The idea that they would want to bowdlerize a user's text input to advance a vague political agenda is absurd and resembles the worst kind of paranoid conspiracy theory.

Just because you write it that you don't mean to be a jerk doesn't mean you do, it's just a way to bowdlerize your harshness and attempt to sound civil while actually being pointless in your criticism, which is otherwise called trolling.

Bowdlerize definitions


edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate; "bowdlerize a novel"

See also: bowdlerise expurgate castrate shorten