Intensify in a sentence as a verb

To cool down the public face of the war, he must intensify the secret struggle.

Once such a problem emerges, I will readily jump on it, and will intensify my learning of the tool in question.

For those who claim the symptoms prove a person possesses Grit, there are now movements to empower and offer therapy to intensify this trait.

This is a smart move on Medium's part to break that perception - or to intensify it, depending on the type of people and posts coming in from now on.

On a sunny day, you can easily reach those temperatures without using a mirror to intensify sunlight.

The knee-jerk urge to paint big banks as shady criminals will only intensify, not mitigate, the regulatory pressure.

In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists' hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.

Similarly, the word "****" is often used to intensify a destructive or dismissive sentiment, or to draw attention or produce shock.

The Anderson Report[1] into scientology stated that the E-meter[2] is used:" assume, intensify and retain control over the minds and wills of preclears.

Yes, the second definition was added because people lazily try to leverage the first definition to intensify the exaggeration of their figurative statements.

You would intensify the pursuit of criminal prosecution of people who find themselves addicted to prescription painkillers?An addiction to morphine is really little different than an addiction to heroin, except society has a greater understanding of addiction to morphine as an illness, not a crime.

Intensify definitions


increase in extent or intensity; "The Allies escalated the bombing"

See also: escalate


make more intense, stronger, or more marked; "The efforts were intensified", "Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her"; "Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness"; "This event only deepened my convictions"

See also: compound heighten deepen


become more intense; "The debate intensified"; "His dislike for raw fish only deepened in Japan"

See also: deepen


make the chemically affected part of (a negative) denser or more opaque in order produce a stronger contrast between light and dark