Heighten in a sentence as a verb

This is an old Marxist trope called "heighten the contradictions".

Your senses heighten and you become acutely aware of your 'anchors'.

May it heighten the senses of a potential fear-of-flying person?

Even if the spin is just to heighten ratings or make the station itself look prestigious, its always there.

I have been able to calm myself down, heighten my focus, understand and disrupt negative thought patterns, and much more.

Spending a lot of time mixing paint or color correcting photographs is likely to heighten awareness of tiny distinctions.

The US government's actions are resulting in events that will heighten investor perceptions of political risk here too.

A guaranteed minimum income may heighten the importance of citizenship.

*This is not to say that bodies of work cannot heighten appreciation, or lend further enlightenment upon the individual works, however a broken bridge, a looped video, a sentence set in neon and various pots placed on pedestals does not constitute a cohesive body of work.

"On resilience:"They use difficulty as a catalyst to deepen purpose, recommit to values, increase discipline, respond with creativity and heighten productive paranoia — translating fear into extensive preparation and calm, clearheaded action.

"This is the argument of the anti-technologist, sometimes called the "Luddite fallacy" [1].Somehow these people think that the time freed by automating menial and repetitive tasks can't be used to do more productive or additional tasks, or heighten the ability and/or education of the workers.

Heighten definitions


become more extreme; "The tension heightened"

See also: rise


make more extreme; raise in quantity, degree, or intensity; "heightened interest"


increase; "This will enhance your enjoyment"; "heighten the tension"

See also: enhance raise


increase the height of; "The athletes kept jumping over the steadily heightened bars"


make (one's senses) more acute; "This drug will sharpen your vision"

See also: sharpen


make more intense, stronger, or more marked; "The efforts were intensified", "Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her"; "Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness"; "This event only deepened my convictions"

See also: intensify compound deepen