Inheritor in a sentence as a noun

As I said, you are the latest inheritor of this burden - many have walked this road before you.

The inheritor of a huge chunk of Smithsonian Industries needs to sell 900,000 shares of thinly-traded stock.

So, by moving to Blink, Opera loses .I guess those nostalgic for the 90s shall have to rely on Firefox, inheritor of Netscape's mantle.

It was Vidal himself:"I have been asked whether I wish to nominate a successor, an inheritor, a dauphin or delfino.

Often the illiquid assets being inherited have great sentimental value to the inheritor.

Why blindly assume the same won't be true of a superintelligent AI made by humans, which will be in every meaningful sense a child of humanity and as such an inheritor of the human legacy, despite happening not to be biologically human itself?

Inheritor definitions


a person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another

See also: heir heritor