Inflect in a sentence as a verb

It inflected early in China because of the lockdown.

And I'd argue that if books did have syntax highlighting, parts of speech wouldn't be the best way to inflect it anyway.

Chinese also does not have a system of adjective inflection, whereas Korean and Japanese do.

The cash burn on the P&L is $14/month and $350MM would last 24 months, enough to inflect if its a real biz. Closer to inflection, a Secondary raise will generate liquidity for the remaining insiders.

I would say a variation of that, but might actually say 'stupid', depending on how amiable the group/person is, and how well I could inflect my voice to my funny instead of mean.

Conlangs, however, tend to choose a very limited set of approaches, for example agglutinative inflection is popular because creators feel it makes the language easier to learn.

In Russian verbs are inflected with gender only in the past tense so somebody speaking about oneself in the past will have to inflect verbs with one's own gender but there is no gender specific grammar for the present and future.

I'm completely happy to use whatever people prefer, but have known enough rednecks who can inflect racism into entitrely innocuous language, to feel that 'correct' word choice is a pretty small determinant of what's communicated.

Another common one is when people cast "addict" as a verb and inflect it to create "addicting", seemingly unaware of the perfectly adequate "addictive".According to the dictionary, these are all valid forms but I just find them irksome for some reason.

And usually these telephone interviews are conducted by people with specialized training in sales, marketing or HR, people trained to do nothing more than speak aloud the words and acronyms off of a printed sheet of paper or screen, to inflect their voices with all the right intonations.

Inflect definitions


change the form of a word in accordance as required by the grammatical rules of the language


vary the pitch of one's speech

See also: tone modulate