Transgression in a sentence as a noun

Two guys make fairly minor transgression at conference.

In response, a woman makes fairly minor transgression as far as reporting it.

I totally get no one should have to put up with this in the workplace, but was his transgression so bad that you can't at least talk to him first.

It implies the dead person was killed by an all-knowing supernatural force as a response to a transgression.

But the controversy of a hard ban for a lesser transgression now introduces new emotional noise.

When we were casually talking between us about girls, they had a kind of transgression excitement that I did not understand.

I think evildoers who think their transgression is evil are less evil than evildoers who think it's just fine and facilitate it in others.

!1" but rather to write well-enough-to-be-understood and not care about the occasional transgression or three.

In this situation indulgence became pathological, and the employee was trapped in a cycle of escalating transgression.

There exists a deer hunting rifle in the closet, which never left the closet so far as I know, but she wanted him punished for his marriage transgression, so report goes out he's in the house, and there's a gun in the house.

Due to management oversight his transgression wasn't identified for several months, and the mysterious increase in productivity was hailed by local politicians as a shining example of how the system is working.

Up until a few months ago this always meant to many that if there was anything fishy going on at Google that they would quickly resolve the problem by firing the individuals guilty of any transgression and quickly instituting security policies to make sure something like that doesn't happen again.

Transgression definitions


the act of transgressing; the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle; "the boy was punished for the transgressions of his father"

See also: evildoing


the spreading of the sea over land as evidenced by the deposition of marine strata over terrestrial strata


the action of going beyond or overstepping some boundary or limit