Inconsistency in a sentence as a noun

Instead, ask the questions that you feel would expose the inconsistency.

The more discretion you give those following the procedures, the more you tend to just add inconsistency.

Responding to inconsistency with more changes seems like trying to regain your balance by making wilder and wilder swings of your arms.

Placing the "official site" result below the sponsored links would resolve this inconsistency.

The harder problems come from platform inconsistency between iPhone and Android API's.

People argue that the lack of button borders and inconsistency invites exploration.

Instead, perhaps you could show an example of an individual who has frustrated you in their inconsistency.

It means there is less legacy baggage and syntactical inconsistency.

Sometimes people write blogs and get into apologetic because they feel an internal dull pain of an inconsistency.

Native ads aren't necessarily bad, but their inconsistency that makes them very deceptive to users.

A British Tory will defend self-determination in Europe and oppose it in India with no feeling of inconsistency.

NetApp sales engineers swear on their mothers' graves that there is no such thing as fsck for wafl, that wafl always transitions from one gold-plated consistent state to the next with no possibility of metadata inconsistency.

Lack of enforced typing in function arguments, inability to create strict interfaces, inconsistency in standard library conventions, and package management would probably be my biggest gripes.

Inconsistency definitions


the relation between propositions that cannot both be true at the same time

See also: incompatibility repugnance


the quality of being inconsistent and lacking a harmonious uniformity among things or parts