Incompatibility in a sentence as a noun

Is there some kind of licence incompatibility that the GNU project cares about?

First there is no doubt a huge amount of incompatibility between the dialect of SQL the two speak.

I just don't think it's fair to blame the GPL for the incompatibility that happens when a developer chooses a 4-clause BSD license.

The price of a LaTeX rewrite would be even higher: incompatibility.

One of our customers deploys our software component in millions of PCs around the world and they noticed an incompatibility in our component before us. Why?

Finally!Before anyone starts moaning about incompatibility, let's face it: developers start to rely on new features the moment they're added.

I have a powerful up to date ICS android phone and their website totally denied me access to a document the other day due to incompatibility and crapness.

But that's a red herring in this case; what browser supports H5 Sandboxes but not XFO?Apart from a possible incompatibility with a bad compat hack for XFO, what is the problem with sandbox frames?

A backend PHP framework causing browser incompatibility issues.

There was no real reason to use it except for compatibility with Apple devices, as the two use nearly identical compression methods and the incompatibility is purely gratuitous.

We have rarely managed to hold a meeting without one of our small team struggling to see either a word processor document or a spreadsheet properly, and that's just the minor cosmetic or browser incompatibility bugs that keep appearing along with all those minor UI changes.

Incompatibility definitions


the relation between propositions that cannot both be true at the same time

See also: inconsistency repugnance


(immunology) the degree to which the body's immune system will try to reject foreign material (as transfused blood or transplanted tissue)


the quality of being unable to exist or work in congenial combination