Meticulous in a sentence as an adjective

Some folks would get meticulous and figure out how long they could make it cover their current expenses, some would spend it in lavishly stupid ways for cheap thrills.

It's the work of someone who is meticulous in his craft, knows his limitations, and respects the work of others while pointing them in the direction he wants to move.

Piketty rightly argues, from the beginning, that good economics must begin [with]—or at least include—a meticulous examination of the facts.

It's gone from individual who carefully plans and creates something with meticulous attention to detail and extensive knowledge of requirements to individual who makes something with little thought.

The intelligence community and DOD is meticulous about properly classifying even the most mundane information that could be connected to anything of consequence for national security.

But, particularly when money is plentiful and financial markets are rising, “the rate of embezzlement grows, the rate of discovery falls off and the bezzle increases rapidly.” It is only after the market falls and “audits are penetrating and meticulous” that much of this chicanery is uncovered.

And with that, I took that story back to the jury, laid it out for 'em, they understood the points that I was talking about and then we meticulous, meticulously went patent by patent claim by claim against the test that the judge had given us because each area, each patent had a different ah legal premise to judge on.

Meticulous definitions


marked by precise accordance with details; "meticulous research"; "punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette"

See also: punctilious


marked by extreme care in treatment of details; "a meticulous craftsman"; "almost worryingly meticulous in his business formalities"