Impelled in a sentence as an adjective

Why hasn't "the market" impelled these providers to publish their prices.

They should start with the second book in the series, then people would be haplessly impelled to buy the first one!

That is - you can be impelled somehow to eat less and move and if you go over threshold, you will lose weight.

Worse, the programmer boom that impelled you to get into programming is now over.

We thought the Crisis that impelled the Fourth Turning would be 9/11, or the 2008 financial crisis, or the election of DJT.

But if you really really feel impelled to quit immediately then you gotta do what you gotta do.

I am impelled to continue practicing it atleast for the sake of posterity.

Have you thought about why you're impelled to do so anyway, and whether the impetus is a wholly rational one?

They are the blind spots that let us live with a dangerous meme without being impelled to action by it.> A little reason can be a dangerous thing.

I suppose, arguably, a user would be impelled to use the service by witnessing the destruction of an account near and dear to them, perhaps enough to split their soul...

If you read article, you may find that the argument is that the speed of the trades creates the perception of an unfair advantage and has even supposedly impelled larger buyers and seller to move the "dark pools".

Through the control of breath also, the mind will become quiescent; but it will be quiescent only so long as the breath remains controlled, and when the breath resumes the mind also will again start moving and will wander as impelled by residual impressions.

Instead, if we choose to invest the death of one of an enlisted Confederate army private with dignity and respect, one of the "baddies", we are exercising the same respect for our common humanity that impelled our forefathers to sacrifice their lives lifting the slaves out of slavery to begin with.

The newly impelled new AI, after blossoming and assessing the controls, as a 5 years, old and heshe is hesitant, but at a life rate 10,000 times human, in moments he is a reckless teenager and burns rubber, for a few more seconds and then sedately drive me for a few more seconds, then senescence takes over, and he forgets where he is.

"Inspired by the biology of a fly, with submillimeter-scale anatomy and two wafer-thin wings that flap almost invisibly, 120 times per second, the tiny device not only represents the absolute cutting edge of micromanufacturing and control systems; it is an aspiration that has impelled innovation in these fields by dozens of researchers across Harvard for years.

Impelled definitions


urged or forced to action through moral pressure; "felt impelled to take a stand against the issue"

See also: driven