Quiescent in a sentence as an adjective

This means that any quiescent current consumed by the 12 V system will drain the main battery pack.

There's a browser extension for that too, but the whole project is pretty quiescent right now while I work on other things.

You need a quiescent filesystem for imaging, so it can't be under use by the running OS.

I'd recommend quiescent if you want the bare minimum for interfacing with React in cljs.

I think the core argument of the blog post is to use a voltage regulator with a low quiescent current.

But it doesn't have to; you can just turn off ssh keepalives and your quiescent connections will survive network outages.

In my undergrad EE, we had an elderly german prof who pronounced "quiescent" as "christian.

When it's quiescent, and the stimulation condition is true, it becomes stimulated, and sets the timer.

As long as your monitors power off and you're not leaving the system doing much CPU work, modern computers don't use a lot of power when quiescent.

Alternatives like Fraser's epoch-based reclamation or quiescent state based reclamation often perform better in "real life".

You can drop all the power rails and push the quiescent current all the way to zero, but that loses the cache; so on resume those cache lines have to be refilled, which is work you don't have to do if you maintain power to the cache.

9v+7805 is fine if you're playing around, but if you're making something to use and especially if it's to be powered continuously, you'd be better off with 4 AAAs and a low-quiescent low-dropout regulator.

Suppose, as an exercise, that one developed an algorithm to maximize persuasiveness by first leading readers/listeners into a quiescent, semi-hypnotic state and then making your commercial or political pitch.

Quiescent definitions


not active or activated; "the quiescent level of centimeter wave-length solar radiation"


marked by a state of tranquil repose; "the quiescent melancholy of the town"


being quiet or still or inactive


(pathology) causing no symptoms; "a quiescent tumor"