Impedance in a sentence as a noun

That means that the impedance mismatch of "switching" between languages is fairly low, and scales with the problem.

I'm happy for the person who wrote this because they've found a nice impedance match between themselves and Javascript.

The other functions connect to ground through different impedances.

Also, due to the way that parallel impedances work, you do not get a binary encoding of the buttons pressed.

Capacitors are useful because of their low internal impedance.

An impedance mismatch at any of these points could allow malicious strings to go right through, even if the regex would normally match it just fine.

I am a vim user, but I use ST without Vintage because the impedance mismatch is too big.> minus some :commandsAuthor doesn't mention VintageEx.

>Object-relational impedance mismatchThis one is easy: don't do it!

It often stems from an impedance mismatched between old methods of solving problems and processing information and the new type and amount of information available.

It can also improve memory power a tiny bit because you can dial down the signal drive strength and dial up the termination impedance since you don't have reflections at the socket connector.

Nobody complains that they can Public Storage to open storage units with a warrant, so why should the internet be treated any differently?That impedance mismatch will take a long time to reconcile.

After years of hacks, we've managed to turn it into a somewhat usable application framework, but there's always going to be an impedance mismatch compared to APIs designed for apps from the beginning.

When you start with the understanding that there's huge impedance at "anything above free", it's clear why "$1" is not a particularly great price point, and why "better strategies to motivate people to part with $1" is a terrible meme to propagate.

That results in implicitly favoring articles from sources that start without an impedance mismatch, so to speak: places where the titles are already pre-targeted specifically to appeal to our demographic, maybe even to HN specifically, and often written with that SEO purpose in mind.

The primary reason to use C for me hasn't been performance for a long time; if you want to interact with the OS or the hardware, C just flat-out works better:Pretty much all unixes are written in C, and using the language of the OS means you can talk to it the same way the developers do, rather than through an FFI; even the best FFIs suffer from the fact that there will be some impedance mismatch between languages.

Impedance definitions


a material's opposition to the flow of electric current; measured in ohms

See also: resistance resistivity