Immobilise in a sentence as a verb

If you immobilise all the VWs, how will those commuters now proceed?

And yes, for the treatment, one of the first steps is to immobilise the head in a metal contraption.

"Some wasps have learned to immobilise spiders and deposit their eggs inside of them.

As for immobilisiers, if you have the microchip in the key, there's no reason it should immobilise?

And dropping a few concrete blocks onto railway lines could completely immobilise most countries with fear.

Even theoretically, why immobilise so many cars if chaos won't result?

Yea, tasers seem superior by pretty much any measure to shooting to immobilise.

If the problem persists, the car will automatically immobilise again are the reset.

One thing this cat worked out that no Apple/Microsoft/Ubuntu software engineer managed to notice was that repeatedly holding down the 'Print Screen' button would permanently immobilise a computer, making a reboot required.

Within animals, where the majority of research is done, depending on the animal, they just nail them to a board, or nail a board or a wire into their skull, cut out half the brain, insert some sensors, and record data in the few hours that the pain does not totally immobilise the animals, usually while making the animal perform some trick, like navigating a maze, or looking at prey, or ...

Our method starts with near-instantaneous labeling of enveloped viruses via cation-mediated binding of short fluorescent DNAs to the surface of virus particles; we subsequently surface-immobilise labelled particles, collect diffraction-limited images containing thousands of labelled particles, and finally use image analysis and machine-learning to identify different viruses in biological and clinical samples [...].

Immobilise definitions


hold as reserve or withdraw from circulation; of capital

See also: immobilize


to hold fast or prevent from moving; "The child was pinned under the fallen tree"

See also: trap immobilize


make defenseless

See also: immobilize


convert (assets) into fixed capital

See also: immobilize


prohibit the conversion or use of (assets); "Blocked funds"; "Freeze the assets of this hostile government"

See also: freeze block immobilize


cause to be unable to move; "The sudden storm immobilized the traffic"

See also: immobilize