Immobilize in a sentence as a verb

The parkeerbeheerders would put a wheel-clamp on cars to immobilize them until a fine was paid.

An immobilizer simply keeps the ecu from running the fuel pump, thus preventing the car from starting.

Lots of people who were around near the accident helped immobilize my arm after the injury.

But really what the wasps use it for, primarily, is to temporarily immobilize a tarantula so that it can lay eggs on it.

A closed fuel cycle means much less nuclear waste and much more energy extracted from the raw ore. Additionally, this process allows you to convert your waste into chemical forms that are totally immobilized.

An earthquake or other natural disaster is going to immobilize a lot of vehicles in potentially obstructive places if we don't think this through.

On the other hand you can also immobilize antibodies specific to the viral proteins and directly detect the virus.

The reason Republicans are not for single payer healthcare is because it will require raising taxes to pay for, not because they want to immobilize labor.

The guy was able to immobilize the criminal and take his gun, but since he resisted and attempted to fight, he beat him enough that he didn't have any more energy to keep fighting.

An attacker operating in the grey/dark area might just immobilize the user, snip the wrist cable, and then retrieve the necessary data either directly at the console or by siphoning it via the network.

Make the mecha big enough so that it could contain the pilot and keep his head's orientation the same as the mecha's, and the pilot's own inner ear becomes your dynamic stabilizer!If you want to build a smaller mecha, immobilize the head/neck and put the harness in the belly.

Immobilize definitions


hold as reserve or withdraw from circulation; of capital

See also: immobilise


to hold fast or prevent from moving; "The child was pinned under the fallen tree"

See also: trap immobilise


make defenseless

See also: immobilise


convert (assets) into fixed capital

See also: immobilise


prohibit the conversion or use of (assets); "Blocked funds"; "Freeze the assets of this hostile government"

See also: freeze block immobilise


cause to be unable to move; "The sudden storm immobilized the traffic"

See also: immobilise