Imagine in a sentence as a verb

I can't imagine someone hating me without knowing me.

I'm pretty hard-pressed to imagine who would, actually.

I mean, imagine if the US and Canada got into a war over who could call they're syrup "maple syrup".

It's hard to imagine writing any code these days without Stackoverflow.

But imagine the reaction if the cafe where this occurred were in the US, and the drone was controlled by a foreign government.

I'm not saying that lightly, I worked for a dozen startups, a couple of which crashed hard in the most gut wrenchingly painful way you could imagine.

The dark theme on pages, for example, looks very clean with Apple and Adobe as featured, but I imagine will look pretty dreary to stare at all day.

"The view is so pixelated it makes decisions tough" Can you imagine military people who fight/fought on the ground in real combat and order in strikes reading that?

I can't even imagine being held captive without arrest for hours, being questioned about the purpose of my trip, about my religion and habits, all while travelling within my country.

Because of this, I imagine that they have had built-in support for years for detecting various CPU models and manually enabling VT-x extensions, rather than relying on kernel-specific APIs.

They get out of there as soon as possible.”Lastly, imagine how you'd feel reading a similar opinion piece on Fox News from a gun ** former operator talking about all the American lives he saved by observing and taking out "the bad guys".

Imagine definitions


form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case; "Can you conceive of him as the president?"

See also: ideate envisage


expect, believe, or suppose; "I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel"; "I thought to find her in a bad state"; "he didn't think to find her in the kitchen"; "I guess she is angry at me for standing her up"

See also: think opine suppose reckon guess