Hypnagogic in a sentence as an adjective

No hypnagogic visions greet me on the verge of sleep.

For some reason your fine motor controls are probably still online, and it will break you out of the hypnagogic state.

A prolonged hypnagogic state has occurred on on several occasions as well.

This paper builds on that previous result by showing that this result also holds for hypnagogic imagery.

Not to mention hypnagogic / sleep paralysis - mind awake, body asleep.

I actually called the police, half in a fog, until I realized half way through the call that it may have been a hypnagogic hallucination of sorts.

If it's not really, really loud and sudden, I would guess that not exploding head, but a hallucination common to hypnagogic states.

Along with my exploding head, very occasionally I wake into a hypnagogic panicked state where I cannot catch a breath or move.

Sometimes I have hypnagogic hallucinations of people talking, sometimes I can't understand the words, but it's nice because then I know that I'm falling asleep.

I'd liken the experience to something between meditation and dreaming or hypnagogic visions.

Moreover 3 days ago I had my first hypnagogic auditory hallucination.

I have experienced something similar, namely hypnagogic hallucinations, usually when waking up, that sound exactly note for note the same as the recordings.

I would argue not only that early rising is totally unnatural but also that lying in bed half awake - sleep researchers call this state "hypnagogic" - is positively beneficial to health and happiness.

"The hypnagogic state is rational waking cognition trying to make sense of non-linear images and associations; the hypnopompic state is emotional and credulous dreaming cognition trying to make sense of real world stolidity.

I get the same thing, but I've found that I can understand the words if I focus on them and try to understand them, though the problem is that as soon as I do I become more awake and it takes time to get back in to the hypnagogic state again after that, so I usually don't bother.

Hypnagogic definitions


sleep inducing

See also: soporific soporiferous somniferous somnific hypnogogic