Hallucination in a sentence as a noun

Except at very high doses, these ***** don't produce hallucinations per se.

My worst hallucination was when I thought people were breaking into the house I was living in at the time.

You can see dollars as some sort of collective hallucination if you want, but that fact ultimately keeps them grounded.

The price level is more or less arbitrary, but the value of fiat money is not just a shared hallucination.

Scott Adams has a nice dismissal: I agree with your analysis of your hallucination.

Your staff burns out when they realize your reality distortion field was just hallucination and trying to fake it until you make it vooza style.

A hallucination is a false perception which the person believes to be real; visuals are perceptions that the person knows are not real, such as "light shows".

An interesting counter example is shared hallucinations in such dream states.

Did it 'actually produce profundity' or was it a hallucination, pure and simple?Hope that helps capture the difference.

He has another, similar one that I like: "I respectfully decline the invitation to join your hallucination.

There was a bit of consensual hallucination going on: nobody really believed Greece's numbers, but it was convenient for everyone to pretend to believe them.

All currency values ever are completely speculative, the value of a currency is a shared mass consensual hallucination, this even applies to gold.

What helped me was the realization that depression is only a hallucination triggered by the brain, after that realization there was nothing left to feed that depression and it deflated.

Still, it's interesting, and similar techniques have been applied to super-resolution problems lately, where the approach is often called "hallucination.

Maybe a game about a Halo warrior's post-war life, a civil Sim-type game interrupted by disturbing scenes of post-traumatic hallucination & paranoia.

Given that you took mind altering substances, it's impossible to separate your memory of the perception of the feedback from the chemical experience you had. However real something seemed - that something being both the haptic feedback in the UI, and your memory of the 'goodness' of it - it's the result of a hallucination.

He said that people with schizophrenia undergoing a command hallucination would have heightened activity in the right-hemisphere areas that correspond to the speech centers in the left hemisphere, which they do.

She seemed to think there was some kind of persecution going on involving evolution and black people, and became violently angry at both the professor and the other students, interpreting things seemingly 180 degrees opposite, almost hallucination-like, compared to everybody else.

Hallucination definitions


illusory perception; a common symptom of severe mental disorder


a mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea; "he has delusions of competence"; "his dreams of vast wealth are a hallucination"

See also: delusion


an object perceived during a hallucinatory episode; "he refused to believe that the angel was a hallucination"