Hydrocephalus in a sentence as a noun

What about assessing for hydrocephalus in peds with a shunt?

Thanks I was not aware of these details about the hydrocephalus story.

All that stuff still has to happen for a hydrocephalus patient to function, but there's a lot more mass than technically needed.

Years ago I ran across those extreme bilateral hydrocephalus cases you linked.

Everyone who complains about the growth of the administrative hydrocephalus must consider this fact.

Severe cases of hydrocephalus [1], for example, where an otherwise functional individual is missing large portions of their brain may provide partial answers.

Interesting article, but there seems to be lots of speculation and folklore built upon a single brain scan of a single individual with an IQ of 126 and presumed to have hydrocephalus.

Without that the child will develop hydrocephalus which can cause all sorts of mental issues, in addition to giving the child a sort of “alien head” problem which impacts their ability to fit in.

Any questions why the administrative hydrocephalus in Vienna wasn't commercially viable any more, and why the Anschluß was considered a good idea by so many Austrians?

Intelligence decrease in hydrocephalus comes from the tissue trauma associated with it, not necessarily the decrease in overall mass itself.

He has documented over 600 scans of people with hydrocephalus and has broken them into four groups: -those with nearly normal brains -those with 50-70% of the cranium filled with cerebrospinal fluid -those with 70-90% of the cranium filled with cerebrospinal fluid -and the most severe group with 95% of the cranial cavity filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

Hydrocephalus definitions


an abnormal condition in which cerebrospinal fluid collects in the ventricles of the brain; in infants it can cause abnormally rapid growth of the head and bulging fontanelles and a small face; in adults the symptoms are primarily neurological

See also: hydrocephaly