Cranium in a sentence as a noun

Well, not too long from now that **** is going right in front of your eye, wrapped around your cranium.

Above all else, a commute to the office will suck all the creative juices straight from your cranium.

What process takes place in your cranium that does not take place in a petri dish containing some of your brain cells?

Don't forget the CSS class for a dividing line in the form of dripping blood, and one for a rotating cranium.

A crack in the helmet is much cheaper to fix than a crack in the cranium for tax-payers that live in a country with a first-world healthcare system.

All of the arguments I have heard for rent control act like the vast majority of us who live in non-rent controlled areas are going through a Boschian nightmare hellhole of landlords jacking up our rents, driving us out of our ancestral homes, and sticking pitchforks in our collective asses. cranium> nope, no screw-vices here.

He has documented over 600 scans of people with hydrocephalus and has broken them into four groups: -those with nearly normal brains -those with 50-70% of the cranium filled with cerebrospinal fluid -those with 70-90% of the cranium filled with cerebrospinal fluid -and the most severe group with 95% of the cranial cavity filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

We're talking about something purely hypothetical at this point, so who knows if they're right... but I'd assume that an AI would benefit from the vastly faster processing speed of a computer, the ability to have a processing facility larger than a blob of fat that fits in our cranium, a more accurate memory, etc... plus the ability to iterate on its own operating system.

Cranium definitions


the part of the skull that encloses the brain

See also: braincase brainpan