Hushing in a sentence as a noun

Or they didn't tell me. Company doesn't want to pull attention to it so they are hushing it up

So, it should be clear, that the BND did not change, but somebody is now hushing up the whole topic.

USA has more of a culture of speaking out about problems instead of hushing up about them.

Talk of positioning, imprudence, insult, and hushing up... that trips alarm bells.

Its not about hushing or denying the existence of the issue, but rather the lack of data that is keeping us from fixing it.

Ironically, open opposition isn't the only reactionary response; people also try to react by hushing it up.

It is a non rational mode of human weakness, and can even be correlated with evil ie. Nestle and formula / water fiasco, Microchip companies hushing fab workers with birth abnormalities/ health issues

Still, doesn't make up for hushing up the fact that police arrested people at random under Section 60 for things such as wearing zombie paint, protesting against the royalty, filming the police, on the 29th.

Meh I worked at places with super strict 'hushing' policies and everyone knew everyone else salary anywayanyway I always treated policies more as suggestion than binding contracts, since I never sign on those.

To further my confusion on this point, I notice that the Wikipedia article on Pliny's Naturalis Historia mentions: 'Some technical advances he discusses are the only sources for those inventions, such as hushing in mining technology or the use of water mills for crushing or grinding corn.

Hushing definitions


a fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval); "the performers could not be heard over the hissing of the audience"

See also: hiss hissing fizzle sibilation