Hissing in a sentence as a noun

But the well is dry, and there are snakes writhing and hissing on its bed.

My brother and I were blown away at how well it took all the hissing out.

"Yes, this is what I always do when I encounter dead fish and an unknown source of hissing gas: light it with a match.

So, even though mp3 might seem like poor quality they don't degrade and in 100 years it may seem like we finally got rid of all that hissing and popping.

The sound quality in the videos just isn't good enough, so I get a horrible hissing sound coming out of my speakers as I try to view your page.

See how the flames are leaping and hissing low, I will bring you a saucer of milk like a Marguerite, So white and smooth, so spherical and sweet-- Stay with me, Cat.

Their “Morning Murmur” has hissing recording noise all over it and unrealistic rubbish instead of stereo image.

Many of his video segments seem to involve him slavishly following his 'script', occasionally hissing out encouraging phrases such as 'Isn't this great!'.

>How is "m >>= f" pronounced?The pronunciation is a sort of bestial hissing that is difficult to describe; when you say it correctly, the terminal may be slightly moist.

The 'bines made a thin hissing noise, like a razor blade cutting air, that, when multiplied by the number of pods within earshot, engendered a not altogether cheerful ambience.

Just remember, whenever you start recording an audio track, wait 5 seconds before you start talking, and then use those 5 seconds of hissing to build a profile using the noise removal.

While Static means non-moving, it also means the hissing noise on mis-tuned analog connections, and it's not inconceivable that it has another overloaded meaning.

Scraping with the chisel over and over again, I noticed that it was only when the plate emitted this hissing noise that any marks were left upon it; when the scraping was not accompanied by this sibilant note there was not the least trace of such marks.

Every time I do it, I get a slight frisson, imagining myself sticking 2 fingers up at an oncoming army full of tutting, hissing, ponytailed-and-bearded turtlenecked Apple fanboys, all crying out for my head, "Burn the Windows-loving witch!

And on one side we could hear the hissing sound of the escaping gas," Mr Baloch said.> Though they couldn't smell methane, they did put a match to the fissures from where the gas was oozing, and set it on fire.> "We put the fire out in the end, but it was quite a hassle.

And you damn well can't mention the statistical implications of the B__l C___e, even as a hypothesis, as it will drive the neo-Puritans into a hissing rage and convince them that you "just don't get it".All they want you to do is confess to your sins in a struggle session.

:-D At some point I may post the rest, I just got the recordings back from a data recovery shop; they were on a hard drive that crashed 4 years ago with no backup... Talk about luckyThe hissing is just the noise from a cassette tape recorder, I recorded this 7 years ago before I had a smartphone.

Hissing definitions


a fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval); "the performers could not be heard over the hissing of the audience"

See also: hiss hushing fizzle sibilation