Hooligan in a sentence as a noun

Yeah, the US has nothing like the "Soccer hooligan" culture that's found in Europe.

I'm white and always thought it mean something more along the lines of soccer hooligan or bully.

Whats to stop some hooligan from throwing a rock at one or standing on his roof and catching one and stealing the package.

What if a well-known soccer hooligan has posted that he's looking forward to running amuck?

> 'In London nowadays it feels like the three choices for your role in life are "banker", "football hooligan" or "curry shop owner".

That being said, I recently had to explain to someone that 'yahoo' used to mean something along the line of 'hooligan'.. get off my lawn!

I left Varanasi on the day before Holi, which is the indian holiday where hooligan kids throw dried paint at people who don't look like they want to be hit with lots of dried paint.

Why do you have a hooded figure that's making the gesture I wonder, at least for soccer fans it evokes the notion that it's a hooligan - if you're trying to get the user to relate.

There is so much opportunity in London right now, it's a great place to be even for those whose aspirations differ from "banker", "football hooligan" or "curry shop owner".

Same in the UK: a huge amount of crime in the UK is caused by lower-class whites, the group sometimes derogatorily termed "chavs", and overlapping with "hooligan" culture.

60 years ago maybe, even in the 90s I ran the streets like a tiny hooligan without a care as long as I was back at home by the time dark came we were all good as long as I maintained my grades and chores.

Half were asked to take five minutes to think about what it would mean to be a professor and write it down, while the other half were asked to do the same with soccer hooligan in place of professor.

The latter is getting bigger as groups of desperate people are looking for any way to make a living; in particular, many people suspect that some football-hooligan "ultra" groups have morphed into criminal syndicates.

In London nowadays it feels like the three choices for your role in life are "banker", "football hooligan" or "curry shop owner".It's also, though it's not mentioned in the article, much cheaper -- I think you'll pay about one third as much for your apartment in Berlin as you would in London.

Not so recently, in the UK, there was a 'football casual' hooligan scene where the clothes that went with it had to be stolen, buying them, even if the money was available was just not the way to do it if you were to be 'part of the gang'.My point being that people steal these valuable artworks to sell them simply does not apply in a lot of cases.

Proper Noun Examples for Hooligan

Hooligans don't bother because they get trashed by normal use anyway; much better to spend precious hooligan time vandalizing nicer things, such as regular trashcans.

Hooligan definitions


a cruel and brutal fellow

See also: bully tough ruffian roughneck rowdy yobo yobbo