Hookup in a sentence as a noun

So, you end up with this crowd mass, in the center is hookup activity.

I went to the bar hoping to meet a hookup for casual sex. instead, i met a girl whom i immediately felt was too special for that.

With uucp you could at least hookup with the internet for email and usenet although we never did that.

What if a casual hookup site texts your new girlfriend--even though you signed up a year before meeting her?

Women are not nearly as interested in meeting strangers online -- especially for random hookups -- as men are.

However, you then start thinking about how it doesn't have anti-lock brakes, traction control, electronic slip protection, air bags, a CD player, iPod hookup, bluetooth; plus, it has a an analog carphone installed in the center.

Hookup definitions


a device providing a connection between a power source and a user; "some campsites have electrical hookups for trailers"


a system of components assembled together for a particular purpose

See also: assemblage