Assemblage in a sentence as a noun

Think of the sprites as an assemblage of vector shapes.

It sounds more like an assemblage of facts to fit a theory rather than the other way around.

Are the assemblage and the designer intelligent in exactly the same way?

Unless it's an assemblage, it's always a smell if you replace a unit of a body with that of a "competitor.

All the time series data is able to fit into one server's memory, so the IO overhead of assemblage is low

I'm sorry, but this assemblage is aspiring to a sophisticated strata of dialogue.

Most of the time what passes for analysis is simply an assemblage of stories, either on deep background or assembled piecemeal from phone interviews.

I believe that in an aggregation of people, the assemblage itself does not have greater rights, powers, or abilities than those possessed by the individual members.

Tegmark seems to me to be proposing a limited set of properties that an assemblage of matter must have in order to exhibit, or perhaps to implement, consciousness.

It's half academic stomping ground, one quarter experiment, and one quarter earnest direct directed software, yet this loose assemblage of different interests is, as far as I know, the only ones doing anything like what you're talking about, making systems where for example even search can be done p2p.

Is it what guides a living object when it moves, like a human, dog, or worm?If robots act autonomously, that is, without direct instruction from a living object, do they have souls?What if the robot is merely a plastic frame, a motor attached to wheels, an Arduino with a motor shield, and an ultrasonic Ping distance sensor, but this assemblage can navigate a room without colliding with anything -- does it have a soul?I say yes -- souls are the feedback loops which we have learned or been taught, and they motivate or dissuade us and robots alike.

Assemblage definitions


a group of persons together in one place

See also: gathering


a system of components assembled together for a particular purpose

See also: hookup


the social act of assembling; "they demanded the right of assembly"

See also: assembly gathering


several things grouped together or considered as a whole

See also: collection aggregation accumulation