Homeopathy in a sentence as a noun

Might this have been for quack homeopathy junk, diet pills that don't work, vitamins?

I compare it to people who rave about homeopathy.

I have a friend who's into homeopathy and such, and I normally keep my mouth shut.

Stackexchange is like a super smart scientist uncle who has this one weird blind spot for homeopathy or something.

> I have a friend who's into homeopathy [...] she's drawn to alternative medicine because it's open source.

Here's the deal, if the author can demonstrably prove that people who use homeopathy know that it is just a placebo, then they can go for it.

Follow the money!Scientific evidence shows that homeopathy doesn't work?

Actually, increasingly they send them off to a homeopathy clinic or something like that.

Especially if he hadn't ignored his doctors with homeopathy!

"We also have far fewer snake-oil salesmen ripping people off for cures"Yet we still have chiropractors and homeopathy.

Or cranks who want to put homeopathy in every article, or who want to mention Armenian ******** in many articles?

It would be a real blow for those who want medicine to be science-based if the secretary of state were to promote homeopathy because of his personal beliefs.

Homeopathy definitions


a method of treating disease with small amounts of remedies that, in large amounts in healthy people, produce symptoms similar to those being treated

See also: homoeopathy