Hibernate in a sentence as a verb

I cheated with grep:grep "^[fur][hibernate][claws][latin][brown][omnivores]$" /usr/share/dict/wordsfor yours, bean, chef, diet, dine

After that project I went back to hibernate, and I just felt disappointed, and longed for going back to Django's ORM.

* Resuming from hibernate, if the system was hibernated when booted from USB.

Sometimes hibernate doesn't work; sometimes wifi; sometimes the boot splash is corrupt; sometimes this, sometimes that.

The university was about to hibernate for the summer and would be virtually devoid of social distractions for the few scholars remaining.

If you use something like hibernate with any other large library, you end up in Jar dependency ****, where hibernate needs one version of a jar, and something else needs another version.

You lose the ability to shutdown, restart, sleep or hibernate your PC from the Gnome user interface - all things that worked before and that normal users expect to be able to do - but you can technically run without it.

You can also tweak a setting to automatically erase the FileVault key before suspending the laptop, requiring it to be entered before booting back up: pmset -a destroyfvkeyonstandby 1 I use pmset -a destroyfvkeyonstandby 1 hibernatemode 25 to always hibernate the laptop instead of suspending.

Hibernate definitions


sleep during winter; "Bears must eat a lot of food before they hibernate in their caves"


be in an inactive or dormant state