Heteronym in a sentence as a noun

As long as you don't get caught by an accidental heteronym you are good to go.

The most outrageous for me are still the heteronyms like lead the verb and lead the metal.

This use of the word charge is no good in English because it's a heteronym - it can mean to add money or take it!

To be a little more exact: Have large amounts of heteronyms to have them be common and not strange exceptions.

Seeing as most Semitic languages are written without vowels, I would assume that almost all of them have heteronyms

I've always thought of heteronyms as one of the most stand-out features of English that exemplify its confusing inconsistency.

While their writings are not mine, they do also happen to be mine.”"...heteronyms, a term he eventually chose over pseudonym because it more accurately described their stylistic and intellectual independence from him, their creator, and from each other—for he gave them all complex biographies and they all had their own distinctive styles and philosophies.

Heteronym definitions


two words are heteronyms if they are spelled the same way but differ in pronunciation; "the word `bow' is an example of a heteronym"