Hedonic in a sentence as an adjective

"[0] We assume that if we can change things quickly we will be able to keep up with our hedonic treadmills.

MMM's main thesis is that the quality of life bit takes care of itself through hedonic adaption [1].

This 'hedonic treadmill' reminds me of the constant battle i'm in to reduce the ******** I don't need in my life.

Without a hedonic adjustment this looks like inflation.

Now i'm starting to think the hedonic treadmill might be a kind of social disease that needs to be treated more seriously.

My thesis involves an application of a hedonic pricing model.

Too much work with hedonics and you may become delirious - believing that everything can be quantified if you just tinker with the model long enough...

Contrasting hedonic motives can be compared to process gratification.

[2] During the late 1990s, the concept was modified by Michael Eysenck, a British psychologist, to become the current "hedonic treadmill theory" which compares the pursuit of happiness to a person on a treadmill, who has to keep working just to stay in the same place.

He particularly rejected intrinsic motivation, which is pretty much everything anyone ever wants out of their employees, in favor of the extrinsic motivators, which creates this arms race known as the hedonic treadmill [3], where employers would have to offer more and more motivators in order to keep interest.

Hedonic definitions


devoted to pleasure; "a hedonic thrill"; "lives of unending hedonistic delight"; "epicurean pleasures"

See also: hedonistic epicurean