Hedonistic in a sentence as an adjective

Not because they are hedonistic but because they live under an ice-sheet the planet wide.

The OP and others here however largely limit their notions to hedonistic freedoms and critiquing buying "things.

Should anyone go to jail or be considered "evil" or "hedonistic" for the curiosity to try some psychedelics?

Don't rely on ******* Prismatic it means well, but ultimately it's a hedonistic system, designed to show you what you want and hide from you everything else.

The phrase "the greatest good for the greatest number" is commonly used as a description of this kind of hedonistic utilitarianism.

Nice comment on the origional article: The modern definition of "happiness" certainly refers to the hedonistic pursuit of pleasure.

I've similarly been fascinated by business professionals whom I thought intimately knew their craft, only to discover they were hedonistic punks who knew only sex, *****, and rock and roll.

TL;DR -- Anyone who promotes an ethics that humans should be more than hedonistic, endorphin-driven consumption automatons is a religious zealot and/or hypocrite.

"However they may be as economic theories, Fascism and Nazism are psychologically far sounder than any hedonistic conception of life.

I'm not making a hedonistic argument here, just saying that if you really want nothing more than to go home at the end of a hard day and fiddle with x86 TSS structures to get your homegrown OS to boot, it's not really anyone else's business.

Thanks for the casual dismissal of an advanced culture's millennia of thought...sort of like someone from the East asking their kid why they're studying Socrates...are you really going to use those non-elder-respecting boy-loving selfish hedonistic dialogues to shape your life?

Hedonistic definitions


devoted to pleasure; "a hedonic thrill"; "lives of unending hedonistic delight"; "epicurean pleasures"

See also: hedonic epicurean