Headliner in a sentence as a noun

The market for headliner speakers drives competitive comp.

If the controls only apply to Citibank then the phrasing of the the article's headliner is a bit much.

Groupon took their portion, the customer was required to get a massive headliner discount to make the deal look attractive.

It seems not unlike a former arena-filling headliner reduced to doing van tours of Holiday Inn lounges.

A quote to me is no different than an Ansel Adams poster with a simple headliner, with the hopes of sparking an epiphany.

Is this the first textbook that you wrote?I like the graphics, but your font is very difficult to read for extended periods, it is best used as a headliner at most.

Partnering with Valve puts them on mostly equal footing with Microsoft and Sony in terms of publisher relationships, as well as a few headliner exclusives.

If the hackers had accessed a database of bcrypted passwords and if the site would have locked down when it detected erroneous volume of transactions, there would be no headliner here.

But we're all still at the conference, even if most of us don't realize that while we're wishing to learn something from the headliners, all we actually bought was a ticket to be in a room with them.

If you were a racer you could order the economy car with the big engine, no radio or ac or carpet/headliner/backseats and have practically a drag car from the factory.

Everything loose in the car ended up on the headliner -- change, jackets, crusty old french fry bits...BTW: You are almost certainly not strong enough to support yourself by one hand while you unbuckle.

Regulators are also probing Fiat Chrysler vehicles that continued catching fire after inadequate repairs to headliner wiring; inadvertent air-bag deployments that continued after attempted fixes; and delays addressing vehicles with defective left tie rod assemblies.

Headliner definitions


a performer who receives prominent billing

See also: star