Headache in a sentence as a noun

Some days I would wake up at 8am and arrive at work on time with a headache.

People like this are very difficult to deal with, tend to be very miserly, and will be a non-stop headache.

This causes a huge headache for curators and in many cases the changes are irreversible.

By 5am, I had a serious headache and the beginning of a cold, and I had to postpone the interview at the last minute.

We often do not have the choice to release our software as open source, and when we do, an invasive license like the GPL is still a headache.

I personally don't find JavaScript that ugly, but coding in a language I can't ever fully understand gives me a huge headache.

Then you get your first migraine headache and as you're sitting there in the dark feeling nauseous and miserable you suddenly think to yourself "oh, this is what my friends were talking about!

I know that some wallet services are already developing ways to keep track of this automatically, but that's just an extra headache for the average consumer.

I would write an essay describing why Twitter gives me a headache and makes me fear for the future of humanity, but it doesnt deserve more than 140 characters of explanation, and Ive already spent 820.

Or is it possible that it only appears rare because nobody entertains the idea of a marginal cash exit for a VC-funded startup anymore, knowing what a headache it'll be?

Unless I'm misunderstanding the situation Wayland vs. Mir is going to be a massive headache for linux, and afaict Mir exists for no technical reason; it exists because Canonical don't want to play in anyone else's sandpit.

None of that is addressed by this blog post, so the only takeaway for readers is that your only recourse if Paypal seizes your money is to raise a giant stink about it and cause them another PR headache?All they had to say was,"Our representative was enforcing our policy, but unfortunately did so in a way that we didn't intend, and without the respect and courtesy we expect.

Headache definitions


something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness; "New York traffic is a constant concern"; "it's a major worry"

See also: concern worry vexation


pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs

See also: cephalalgia