Happily in a sentence as an adverb

VLC will happily play files without any header/TOC or whatever. It has lots of heuristics in it to sniff that info from the stream when it can't find it.

I know a lot of you may have cut your teeth on MySQL which, in its default configuration, will happily truncate your strings if they are bigger than a column. Guess what?

I would happily pay a registrar a lot more money -- hundreds a year or more -- if their offering were run competently, as it is fairly obvious name. com isn't.

Some dick will screw up a project, and then when the team gets laid off, happily move to another one to **** that up too. Too often I've seen engineers just get disgusted and leave; or they'll go into a depressive "I don't care" mode.

OnSwipe has become a perfect tool for preventing me from viewing content I'd otherwise happily read. This is a latter-day Expert Sexchange.

I'm the sort of person who would happily spend an entire conversation trying to guess the population of Greece and frown upon anybody who tried to Google it. I like the fun, social 'game' of trying to work out random stuff from a few first principles .

Many of us were happily recruited to the goal. But everyone I worked with at the FSF, including me, kind of went off in various incoherent directions -- doing what we guessed would help and that seemed interesting to us.

As a creator, as an business person and a hacker I would happily see facebook replaced by a company or an entity that gave us 80% of the functionality with our joint privacy in tact. That would be progress.

I always used to joke that if evernote, things, and dropbox ever merged, I would happily pay double. These days though, I am looking to support my own stand alone instances of these types of tools without being tied to 3rd party cloudy services so tightly.

Increasingly, I hear the inverse -- people who are happily using Ubuntu now because Wine works well enough. Data is hard to come by, but my best estimates put Wine's install base at something on the order of 10-25% of Ubuntu users.

I'm a web developer, whenever a client asks me about IE6 support, i enthusiastically tell them i'll happily support it. I then show them usage statistics for IE6 and tell them IE6 support costs a flat fee of 10,000 and let them think about it.

Not writing tests is not the only software taboo that I break when I write PHP: I happily mix up presentation and logic all the time. Thats just how PHP is supposed to work" And this is why everybody else hates PHP. It tempts you to write bad code, and so most people working in the language end up doing so.

People sit happily beneath a dirty tarp in a roadside food stand, enjoying Manchurian Gobi... sometimes 4 or 5 people sharing one bowl of the delicious spicy food.

If you'd happily accept a sub-market wage to be taught laboratory research techniques, in a piecemeal and haphazard fashion, by sleep-deprived world experts equipped with state-of-the-artish equipment, engineering graduate school is the game for you. And I did kind of enjoy working in the lab, just not enough to keep that as a career.

Obama will happily sign it. Until then, other government debacles including NSA domestic surveillance and Obamacare should make us wary of federal agencies exceeding their legal authority -- especially after Congress considered and rejected a law that would have given it to them in the first place.

Even happily ignoring the exponential communication overhead that diminishes returns significantly as he does in the original article, there are leaps of imagination that a small brilliant team are more likely to make than any-sized average team. Edit: Also, his case examples are not coding related.

Proper Noun Examples for Happily

Happily going along with every new feature update, privacy change, "enhancement". MZ was repeating himself a lot these days...

Happily definitions


in a joyous manner; "they shouted happily"

See also: merrily mirthfully gayly blithely jubilantly


in an unexpectedly lucky way; "happily he was not injured"