Habitant in a sentence as a noun

I haven't heard of the flu shutting down a 11 million habitant city.

China with a GDP/habitant ~ western levels would be incredible, though.

This doesn't make less true that the US has less self-employed people per habitant than other developed countries.

As an habitant of Juarez, one of the cities that was hit the most with Calderon's war against *****, this is insulting.

And if you are a foreigner, you have to provide proof of insurance when you renew your residence permit at the control de habitant.

That others find something else better is not relevant to what I find better. I'm more than just a casual habitant of Earth and I notice people generally gobble up anything just because it's there and someone is pushing it.

Although I am confident I will see China becoming the first power in term of GDP, I would be ready to bet that I won't see GDP/habitant rise at the same level as its western counterparts.

It seems to us that the things that are important to the inhabitants of such an environment are the capabilities available to them, the characteristics of the other people they encounter there, and the ways these various participants can affect one another.

Habitant definitions


a person who inhabits a particular place

See also: inhabitant dweller denizen indweller