Inhabitant in a sentence as a noun

The book explains to the 2D inhabitant what it is like to live in a 1D world.

You can't just stop after telling that… Only inhabitant of an entire country?

China has got more than 1 bn inhabitant, it's not unusual to find whole cities that are not alive yet.

Ten million euros in savings is less than a Euro per inhabitant per year since the project kicked off in 2002.

If every inhabitant wrote a single line of code, they could rewrite the linux kernel in mere seconds!

However, it's true that the pollution per inhabitant is much lower than in the Silicon Valley.

As a third world inhabitant who really saw all the "wonders" of capitalism here, I really don't consider Cuba a bad place to live.

The whole point of it is kind of moot though, an impulse burglar would just roam the neighbourhood to find a target and one with a specific target has better ways of finding out if the house is empty than 1 inhabitant posting to instagram...

As a Seattle inhabitant, the descriptions of San Francisco-specific weather, rent, cost of living, costumes, events, transients, canine-friendliness, fog, commuting, and other things just do not apply here.

As I see it, the whole disagreement seems to stem from differing opinions about what happens when free/open software and non-free/closed software meet, and which is "stronger".FSF lives on an island and worries that even one contaminated inhabitant will infect everybody.

Inhabitant definitions


a person who inhabits a particular place

See also: habitant dweller denizen indweller