Gruelling in a sentence as an adjective

You do realize that the last four gruelling years of your life, and those years ahead, will make you believe that you can cure people right? And that belief is also held by most patients.

Going to family at Christmas, it's gruelling to be in the same room as a TV pumping out commercials and other nonsense.

I could hear my younger self calling me a pansy when I used the word gruelling in my previous comment. Of course it's not in the same league as real suffering like the illness you mentioned.

However, getting there without going through a gruelling 9-5 existence can be demotivating. You have to do it.

Going through a gruelling workout and feeling happy afterwards is okay, but going through a gruelling TV series and feeling happy afterwards isn't? This guy is moving the goalposts.

Six gruelling hours of complex programming. I think you can now appreciate the level of concentration that the exam requires because no question is easy.

I should add that I have nothing against the Arduino, but as a n00b to baremetal / embedded style programming I'm not finding the pi particularly gruelling. Maybe I just don't know what I'm missing.

John Kricfalusi's studio did not pay well, and the work was gruelling - but you were working for John ******* Kricfalusi, the guy responsible for Ren and ******* Stimpy. And yeah, there was definite cachet in that.

This is in stark contrast to the US system with H1B lotteries and the gruelling torture that is the green card process. One other thing worth noting was that unless you married someone Swiss it's almost impossible to get Swiss citizenship.

Unfortunately I was only allocated a year and never got a chance to finish - the amount of trial and error involved day in day out was gruelling. Not to mention at least once a week I'd have to rebuild the whole engine.

The gruelling interviews are another perverse system that I think has a negative effect. If you can easily get lots of interviews are you going to bother with the five stage interview with four hours of quiz questions and "homework"?

The treatment is not as trivial, you won't do well to "let it run it's course", the ***** are gruelling and may not even work and therapy requires drive a depressed person hasn't got.

There is so much contradictory information out there on almost every product, and trying to ferret out the right information can be a gruelling task. Go to a few review sites, have the reviews say "OCZ looks fast and good", go away with a good impression.

The difference between the top and the rest are those who persevered through the grinding, gruelling agony of doing what it takes to get where they wanted to go. If you only have the self-discipline to work on a project that excites you tomorrow, you can only work on projects that last one day.

Building a startup is gruelling and I wouldn't be doing it at all if I hadn't had such an urge to fix a problem I actually faced/was angry about and saw that no one else was fixing it.

Non-founder engineers cap their salary potential in their career, in general, and spend gruelling hours in classes. MBA's salary cap is higher to non-existent, and can apparently skiv off pretty easy in undergraduate years.

This pressure to play perfectly is gruelling over 6-7 hours. The thing that most people don't appreciate is that a player like Carlsen, even against the most phenomenal opponent like Anand, is like a python, the slightest pause for breath, the most minute inaccuracy, and the coils tighten.

They will, however, start you off on doing things which are far more demeaning, gruelling and uncomfortable than merely flipping burgers, before you ever get to fly a goddamn fighter jet or a spaceship. Flipping burgers isn't a particularly good pathway to anything, but all the good pathways to anywhere start off just as shite.

Whilst I'm sure many doctors can compartmentalise incredibly well, I imagine telling someone that chances of survival are very, very low has to be a gruelling experience. Is it better to know that the chances are bad, and be prepared for the worst, or to have an overly optimistic doctor who wants to avoid having The Conversation?

Well the way I see it, self improvement is like playing guitar - initially it's bloody hard and doesn't make sense and when you do lock down a chord it takes ages to then play the next one and is a whole mess and is super awkward and annoying, however, once you get vaguely good at it then it becomes less about the gruelling learning and more about playing around and enjoying what you're good at - it's not just a learning exercise, it's something you understand and can develop in your own sweet way. Self improvement, learning, guitar skill - nobody, unless you're innately talented, is something anyone just "slips into" naturally because it "feels right and is easy" as this article suggests - making the most out of this pointless spec of time takes hard work, paying attention, taking risks, learning the hard way, but it's like, deferred gratification...

Gruelling definitions


characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort; "worked their arduous way up the mining valley"; "a grueling campaign"; "hard labor"; "heavy work"; "heavy going"; "spent many laborious hours on the project"; "set a punishing pace"