Gripes in a sentence as a noun

Seems like they addressed a lot of the initial gripes people had with the new UI preview.

It's one of my major gripes with tech forums these days: Someone asks a question about "How can I do X?

Alright, here are my honest gripes with facebook:- Professional contacts.

"Don't get me wrong, there are some legitimate gripes in terms of speed, functionality, and as the reviewer points out - focus.

Are the huge issue and both often unusable while all the rest works like a charm for me, except for some small gripes I have with how maps are displayed.

Interesting blog, every entry appears to be a substantial jab at the platform itself... not really just "gripes" as I see them.

VLC is a fantastic media player, and I'm quite appalled to see the conversation here dominated by such little gripes.

If your next taxi driver took an innocent small-talk question as a chance to air his gripes about his new, better employer, how would you feel at the end of the ride?

Vi, Emacs, no IDE, dependencies, make, cross platform incompatibilities, etc are all gripes that could be said of any OSS project of decent size.

But I have some gripes with their methods and more importantly, their conclusions.> Students in the study then participated in a competitive reaction time task, which is used to measure aggression.

Even if you believe Apple has any need to do something like this, I think we can agree it would probably be done in a more subtle and effective manner than sponsoring an "Android gripes" blog that essentially nobody reads.

I am impressed with how dedicated he is to the pursuit, not only does he have a blog solely for his android gripes, but he's also made an androidgripes gmail account as well as a twitter account and a facebook page to promote the blog.

Lack of enforced typing in function arguments, inability to create strict interfaces, inconsistency in standard library conventions, and package management would probably be my biggest gripes.

Contrary to the millennial gripes and the 'trophy kids' syndrome, I believe that there's a generation of highly specialized and highly educated people out there whose expertise is going to waste because they are not getting the first important steps to start working on the job.

Gripes definitions


acute abdominal pain (especially in infants)

See also: colic griping