Colic in a sentence as a noun

On the other hand, what about "mycolic" and "my colic"?

His baby is screaming with colic and the toddler is banging pots together.

There's a lot of home remedies for mother and child and a good number of them is to prevent colic for this reason.

Diaper, hungry, tired, hot/cold, {colic, teething, other age related issues}, doctor.

But more important, it would have implied that there is some validity to these claims that chiropractic can help with things like asthma and colic.

Mycolic has more hits, but it's also a more specialized word; if you're not captioning in a scientific setting, you're very unlikely to hear it.

When someone is having renal colic, said by many to be the worst pain possible, we give morphine as it alters the brains perception of your senses that much!

"Maybe the section on drink driving is more appropriate on babies having a teaspoon of beer when colic?We've lost the ability to think for ourselves, and it seems to Google.

Our oldest had colic which required nearly round the clock rocking but once we hardened ourselves to the daunting routine and got tuned to what he wanted we were able to zombie-shuffle our way through.

On the other hand, while a phrase like "my colicky baby" appears less frequently on Google, you're more likely to encounter it in general conversation than you are a specialized word like "mycolic".

By his defence Dr Singh sets out the undisputed fact that the BCA promotes chiropractic as a treatment for infants and young children suffering from colic, sleeping and feeding problems, frequent ear infections, asthma and prolonged crying, and then says:"The comment which the Defendant contends that the article bears is that the Claimant's behaviour in so doing is reckless and irresponsible in the light of the lack of any reliable scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of such treatments and in the light of the risks of the treatment proposed.

Colic definitions


acute abdominal pain (especially in infants)

See also: gripes griping