Greed in a sentence as a noun

"I will fight here by your side, even the greedy bastards amongst us.

Forget greed, fraud in the system is so massively high nothing that I write here will explain it.

What's particularly disturbing is the sheer greed being shown in pursuit of these profits.

"The only way to reverse a community’s greed is through generosity.

The hardcore part of knowledge is hard thus left to other traditional majorsWhy do Chinese have diploma greed?

You don't see this kind of innovation in the American health system because it has been engineered with greed in mind right from the start.

I love how the anti-government mindset even blames greed based failures of private industry on the government.

That kind of money combined with greed gives people all different levels of drive and incentive to get their emails about bigger penises and viagra through to your inbox.

Every day we see bat-****-crazy lawsuits over patents and trademarks that have a huge impact on society, for no good reason but corporate greed.

The sheer amount of greed on display in debates about this game is deeply unnerving, and it seems as though modern culture has forgotten that there are many things that are more important than money.

Would you rather the government bet on a guy like Elon who's actually putting his all into carrying out on a promise to change the game, or industry stalwarts who pissed away good will by incompetence and greed?

Here we have a group of objectivist libertarians who believe that there should be effectively no laws other than the law of economics and self-interest who run an illegal website devoted to the pure greed of cashing in on contraband, and this is what they write:"I’ve included transaction logs at the bottom of this message.

Greed definitions


excessive desire to acquire or possess more (especially more material wealth) than one needs or deserves


reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)

See also: avarice covetousness rapacity avaritia