Covetousness in a sentence as a noun

It's worse than greed, it's covetousness - wanting something so much you'd take it from someone else.

They have given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice.

Thou blindfold, drowsy England, that sleeps and snorts in the bed of covetousness, awake, awake !

If growth soothes covetousness, it is only in a way subject to hedonic treadmill effects.

And bear in mind that if you do so, through spite or through covetousness, not only will your goods be confiscated, but your bodies also placed in mortal danger.

To anybody who spends quality time with animals in their own comfort zones, it is utterly damned obvious that many animals experience and are entirely competent at communicating love, friendship, curiosity, jealousy, covetousness, and many other thoughts/feelings -- and, also, that they are just as able to blur species boundaries as we are.

> it is utterly damned obvious that many animals experience and are entirely competent at communicating love, friendship, curiosity, jealousy, covetousness, and many other thoughts/feelingsI have definitely observed such sentience in cats and even crows, and many other examples are apparent in numberous animal videos on YouTube etc.

Covetousness definitions


an envious eagerness to possess something


extreme greed for material wealth

See also: avarice avariciousness cupidity


reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)

See also: avarice greed rapacity avaritia