Gravitation in a sentence as a noun

" And that's cause the gravitation constant is 10, so one half 10 times 10 times 10 is 500.

We don't need to solve the gravitation issue.

Cheap and easy to set up, hard to defend if your target is in a gravitation well.

So in that sense, we're back to gravitation being instantaneous again!But is it really?

I don't care if Newton worked out gravitation with his understanding, it's not good enough.

See, the relationship between motion and gravitation is not as straightforward as it might seem.

One way to look at it is to say the gravitational field fills space, so wherever you are, you're already being affected by it all the time.

Movement of a particle under gravitation plus friction is not exactly an unsolved problem.

Another way is to say that gravitational essentially is space, so it affects you simply by virtue of existing.

When Newton came up with his universal law of gravitation, he also made an interesting observation.

To discover the law of gravitation, a few people with telescopes had to tabulate a few thousand data points, do some manipulations and discover the law.

The thing is, we've confirmed calculus and universal gravitation through centuries of experimentation.

Changes in the geometry of spacetime actually propagate at the speed of light, but the apparent effects of gravitation end up being instantaneous in all real-world dynamical systems, because things don't start or stop moving or gain or lose mass instantaneously for no reason.

In fact and I'm glossing over this now, because the maths are damn complicated whenever a gravitating object moves inertially, the gravitational acceleration vector at a point removed actually points at where the object actually is at a given instant, as opposed to where the object's light is seen to be coming from at that instant.

" Everything about his life makes me cringe: the awkward adolescent photos, his gravitation towards adult "friends," his dependence on a largely analytical basis for relationships and connections, the endless dissatisfaction and detachment, the fruitless big dreams, the inability to focus and work on one objective, the recklessness, the grueling self-analysis and self-exposition, the anger and the impotence...I think, from reading this, that Aaron was a person with something missing inside of him.

Gravitation definitions


(physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface; "the more remote the body the less the gravity"; "the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them"; "gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love"--Albert Einstein

See also: gravity


movement downward resulting from gravitational attraction; "irrigation by gravitation rather than by pumps"


a figurative movement toward some attraction; "the gravitation of the middle class to the suburbs"