Gravitas in a sentence as a noun

Or maybe there's been no one with the drive, conviction and gravitas to pull it off?

I didn't see that gravitas reflected in the folks I watched.

What's your opinion vis a vis a pipe for added gravitas?

Selecting a spouse?I think you are conferring a level of undue gravitas to food.

Google, Facebook, Twitter and the like have this kind of developer gravitas.

I know the current site isn't exactly a beauty, but I liked how it had a Wikipedia-like gravitas.

It doesn't reduce the gravitas of the situation but it's a situation where you know what you should do because you've trained and/or done it so many times.

It is an ephemeral image that doesn't need to be saved or managed or taken with the gravitas that living in your camera roll or being posted for the rest of time has.

I think you're missing the point that Gates will be spending more time at Microsoft to lend gravitas to Nadella amongst the other Microsoft managers he beat out for the job. I imagine once they get the message and give the guy a chance to get his sea legs, Gates will back away.

He brings no gravitas nor respect to the position; rather his role seems to be to deflect blame from Obama for his unconstitutional and generally ****-headed decisions.

There might be, hypothetically, political dimensions there: "report to a 25 year old" might be a non-starter for the new VP, who may have connections or gravitas perceived as key to the future growth of the business in strategic directions.

You're right that petitions have limited scope and effect, but in successful efforts like these, they can generate publicity and political momentum, giving ammunition and gravitas to Congressmen who would co-sponsor legislation.

Gravitas definitions


formality in bearing and appearance; "he behaved with great dignity"

See also: dignity lordliness